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SKU: PHASE5_SKU_816 Categories: , ,

The Phase 5™ LPSN7.5™ was developed as an improvement to our previous quad rail. The new LPSN7.5™ was inspired by lots of beneficial features that shooters have requested and demanded from us and other manufacturers. The slender design, longer nose, ease of installation and superior construction are some of the features that we designed into this system. Another development feature is the finish quality. The LPSN7.5™ undergoes a rigorous extra de-burring process in order to ensure a smoother snag free finish. The details and level of care during the manufacturing of the LPSN7.5™ make it the perfect choice for your Carbine or Pistol build.

**Unfortunately our Pigtail gas tube will not fit correctly under the LPSN™ (Lo-Pro Slope Nose Quad Rail)

Inner diameter: 1.350″

Not compatible with .308

Pat No.: US D717, 907 S

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